Ezine Article

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Seeking For Shelter

                                                               Aledel Cuizon - AP Photo

Seeking For Shelter
(Ryhme Form)
By: Noel N. Villarosa
15 November 2013

Come forth, unwelcome, to the daybreak
Somewhat like a wrecking ball ready to smash
Every little shadow present on its break
With the furious wind coming in a flash

Shows no mercy and whips a deafening sound
For only sturdy structure can withstand
It gets off the ground and twisting around
Torturing all living beings close at hand

A strong typhoon has ravaged my beloved country
From horrified survivors spoke their worst nightmare
With teary eyes and spoke bluntly
Dead relatives lying strewn on every corner

Been separated from the rest of the Philippines
What though no hopeful message been received
Only a missive scrawled on paper been said
Hoping the next day could be seen on a television screen

Come forth, a helping hand extended
From abroad and locals showing fellowship
The world voiced out sympathy and pledged
Pouring support causing new hopes reverted

Not all bring good news back to loved ones
A heart-breaking note to say they are gone
This once beautiful island of the Orient
Now a backdrop of a community so ruined

I prayed to Almighty God that they may find shelter upon His Grace

Posted also in: www.poetrysoup.com
15 Nov. 2013